The TeamSafe® Report #3
One theme dominates the recent youth sports news - LIABILITY. The liability issue has two parts: insurance premiums and lawsuits. The...

The TeamSafe® Special Edition: Rhabdomyolysis
A DOZEN female soccer athletes at the University of Houston were sidelined with a very serious medical condition called rhabdomyolysis....

The TeamSafe®Sports Report #2
We have exciting news! TeamSafe®Sports is proud to announce that it has been awarded a grant in the amount of $5000.00 from the Childress...

U.S. Center For SafeSport
SafeSport is the Olympic community’s initiative to recognize, reduce and respond to misconduct in sport. The six primary types of...

TeamSafe®Sports Receives Community Grant Award from the Childress Institute for Pediatric Trauma
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 18, 2018 CONTACT: Dr. Steven Horwitz TeamSafe®Sports 800-400-4995 info@teamsafesports.com TeamSafe®Sports...

Coaching and the Law: What is the Duty of Care of the Coach?
"Though not to be considered as either medical or legal advice, this short video discusses some of the implications of sports coaching...

Five Steps to Managing Concussions in Youth Sports
Concussions and CTE. These have been the two buzz words in the sports headlines for the last few years. We read and see how concussions...

Concussion Confusion in Youth Sports: A No-Brainer?
Concussions are THE safety issue in sports today. Set up a Google Alert for “concussion” and your inbox will soon fill with articles like...

Sickle Cell Trait - Do You Know?
'It means everyone should know their status': exploring lay conceptions of sickle cell trait and sickle cell trait screening among...