The TeamSafe​® Report #12: Inter-Association Recommendations on Prevention of Catastrophic Injury an
"Since 1970 traumatic deaths have undergone a steep and steady decline; nontraumatic deaths, however, have remained steady since 1960....

The TeamSafe​® Report #11: May is Stop The Bleed Month
What is Stop the Bleed? Drawing from the lessons of the battlefield, school shootings, and other bleeding emergencies, the American...

The TeamSafe​® Report #10
The Heat ... it's coming. Are you prepared? The heat of summer is just around the corner. Please watch: Zach Martin Memorial Foundation...

​TeamSafe®Sports Report #9: Youth Sports Specialization
Should a child focus on just one sport? Experts in this area agree that playing only one sport from an early age might not be the best...

TeamSafe​®Sports Report #8: Are You Sure? Really Sure?
Scenario #1 A 16 year old soccer player went up for a header and collided head to head with another player. After the collision, he...

The TeamSafe​® Report #7: MRSA
MRSA: Still happening, yet simple to prevent! MRSA infections have become common in athletes since the first reported cases in a high...

The TeamSafe​® Report #6: #ThinkTank2019
#ThinkTank2019 brings together 60 of the world's best minds in youth sports to provide scientifically-based, professionally-proven and...

The TeamSafe​® Report #5: Anaphylaxis and Asthma
The Big Three: Concussions, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and the Heat. These three issues receive the lions share of attention when it comes to...

CTE and Youth Sports
Why the confusion over CTE? Because the entire issue of TBI and mTBI is not even clear in the scientific literature. Definition of terms...

Die Healthier Podcast featured TeamSafe​®Sports Founder, Dr. Steven Horwitz, DC
Dr. Steven Horwitz, CEO of TeamSafe​®Sports, was featured on the Die Healthier Podcast with Daniel Flahie (@danielflahie) and Scot...