Partners and Testimonials
"Preparing for an athletics related emergency should be the top priority at the secondary, youth, and club level. Through the implementation of required policies and procedures, these levels of sport can be well prepared in the unfortunate event of a catastrophic injury. Furthermore, we need to continue to advocate for the development and implementation of policies surrounding sudden death and catastrophic injuries, so we may optimize the health and safety of these student athletes. Unfortunately, many state athletic associations, youth sport governing bodies, and leagues have yet to fully adopt and implement these life-saving policies, however many are making great strides in the past few years. As a researcher dedicated to the prevention of sudden death in sport and the optimization of health and safety during physical activity, I believe that it is crucial that we continue to develop programs, web-based applications, and platforms that strive to improve health and safety and mitigate risk at all levels of sport. One such platform that provides an easy to implement sports safety system for documentation, communication, education, and oversight is TeamSafe® and there are many levels of sport that may benefit greatly from its use. Many of our athletes, especially our youngest of athletes at the youth sport level are unable to advocate for themselves, therefore we need to continue to advocate for them."
Robert A. Huggins, PhD, LAT, ATC
Assistant Research Professor, Dept. of Kinesiology
VP of Research and Athlete Performance and Safety, Korey Stringer Institute