Let's Break the Cycle
Lack of Preparation. An On-Field Injury Occurs. Poor Decision Making occurs because of this lack of preparation. There is a horrible...

Athletic Development: The FIFA 11+
FIFA 11+ Manual FIFA 11+ Poster FIFA 11+ VIDEO Start with the video below: The "11+" Warm-up: Part 1

The Heat and Your Athlete
Read more about heat injuries here.

Getting Ready for Baseball Season?
Does your league/club/school have an AED? Are the coaches trained in CPR and how to use the AED? Does everyone know where the AED is? If...

Who is taking care of your athlete?
"... there is one athletic trainer present in the typical high school building who can provide care to your child.Drop a level to junior...

The SportsDoc Radio Show Features TeamSafe!
Listen to the SportsDoc Radio show, Dr. Bob Weil, DPM, interview TeamSafe Founder Dr. Steve Horwitz, DC. Click Here!

Quite possibly the ultimate testimonial from a medical professional!
"Preparing for an athletics related emergency should be the top priority at the secondary, youth, and club level. Through the...

Hi Tech Ways to Keep Your Athlete Safe
"One of the best things about youth sports is that they are often managed by parents, friends or teachers – people who are already in...

Communication and Preparation = Injury Risk Mitigation
Here are three stories in the last week are examples of the lack of preparedness in youth sports. 9-Year-Old Boy Dies After Soccer Goal...
The NFL Concussion Protocol
See the NFL Concussion Protocol here. Let’s get some clarity and wade through all the jargon. If a player exhibits or reports symptoms or...