​The TeamSafe® Report #16: Sickle Cell Trait
"Just what exactly is a sickle cell trait? People who inherit one sickle cell gene and one normal gene have sickle cell trait. That's...

The TeamSafe​® Report #15 Best-Practices Safety Checklist for Youth Sports Organizations
When we drop our kids at a youth sports game or practice we trust that these organizations are responsible for the health and safety of...

Heat Injuries Can Be Deadly. Here's How to Recognize, Treat and Prevent Them
Heat injuries are a serious issue, particularly for athletes. Let's look at some key facts: "There's no excuse for any number of heat...

The TeamSafe​® Report #14: A New Model for Student-Athlete Care
"Kansas Athletics is collaborating with The University of Kansas Health System and LMH Health to launch Kansas Team Health, a new model...