Concussions: Better education is still needed

“I feel fine, good. I feel normal, ready to go,” Amerson said. “It wasn’t really a blow to the head, I got kind of hit under my chin so it was more like getting knocked out. I was knocked out for a minute. With the trainers being on their job they were being very cautious of what was going on, what my steps were after that happened. I’ll be cool.”
“Among high school football players who sustained concussions due to player-to-player collisions, concussion outcomes were generally independent of impact location.”
“impact location is likely of little use in predicting clinical outcomes."
"Amerson is still in the league’s concussion protocol but is able to do some physical work in practice. His concussion was his third since entering the NFL as a second-round pick by Washington in 2013. At a time when concussions are forcing some NFL players into early retirement, Amerson said he has not even thought about it."
“I’ve been kind of fortunate,” he said. “I’ve had some concussions but I don’t think I’ve had any that have been very severe or crazy to where I think it’s career-ending. It’s just been little minor stings, maybe getting knocked out a play or something like that. I’m fine. I don’t feel any different.”
The attitude of athletes with regard to concussion is still problematic. “Dings,” “Bell Ringers,” and concussions that are not “severe or crazy to where I think it’s career-ending” are concussions and are very serious!