Part 3: Is Your Child Safe? Sudden Cardiac Death

"Nearly all of the causes of death in sport are influenced by the care [provided] in the first five to seven minutes." (Ref)
Sudden Cardiac Death
The National Institute of Health states that rapid treatment of sudden cardiac arrest with an AED "can be lifesaving." (Ref)
Yet, just “19 states in the U.S. require that at least some of their schools have automated external defibrillators.” (Ref)
The Current State of U.S. AED Laws including the AED Law Report Card states, "Organizations are typically better off focusing their energies on designing AED programs that fit their needs and striving for AED program operational excellence rather than worrying about the laws and the lawyers. In a nutshell, it’s about the AED program, not the laws."
The two most important interventions for improving the outcome of patients who suffer an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest are timely defibrillation and the administration of high-quality chest compressions. (Ref)
At least some schools systems are attempting to educate coaches with biannual CPR certification and a CDC concussion video. This is certainly better than nothing.
But, is that training even close to enough to prepare that coach for an on the field emergency? Or to recognize an injury on the sidelines? The NATA says it is not.
Did your school system or league require you to complete this form prior to your child? If not, why not?