The TeamSafe​® Report #21: WARNING: IT'S ENOUGH ALREADY
This was not the newsletter we wanted to send today. But, we must send this with a warning. A warning for parents, coaches,...

The TeamSafe​® Report #20: The Heat: Braeden's Story and another Reminder
"One year ago a 19-year-old football player from New Jersey arrived in western Kansas to start his dream of playing in the pros. But...

The TeamSafe​® Report #18 The Jordan McNair Foundation and Zach Martin Foundation
TeamSafe​®Sports would like to give a shout out to two special partners: the Jordan McNair Foundation and the Zach Martin Foundation....

Heat Injuries Can Be Deadly. Here's How to Recognize, Treat and Prevent Them
Heat injuries are a serious issue, particularly for athletes. Let's look at some key facts: "There's no excuse for any number of heat...

The TeamSafe​® Report #12: Inter-Association Recommendations on Prevention of Catastrophic Injury an
"Since 1970 traumatic deaths have undergone a steep and steady decline; nontraumatic deaths, however, have remained steady since 1960....

The TeamSafe​® Report #10
The Heat ... it's coming. Are you prepared? The heat of summer is just around the corner. Please watch: Zach Martin Memorial Foundation...

It is heating up? Is your athlete prepared? Is their sports program prepared?
Parents can help their children avoid heat-related issues when playing sports is an excellent article by John Doherty, ATC, PT. We’d like...

The Heat and Your Athlete
Read more about heat injuries here.

Part 1: Is Your Child Safe? The Current State of Sports Safety in the U.S.
"I'll always regret that Kelli and I relied on chance and luck when we signed up our son for football, and I'm going to tell you that way...