Sports Safety Resources
TeamSafe​® Youth Sports Safety Coach (Parent) Certification Course
Click here for the most up-to-date, fully referenced sports safety course available.
Information Sheets
Pre-Season Forms
Public high school sports programs typically require that athletes have a pre-season "sports physical." What about prior to league or club sports? Have you read and completed the American Academy of Pediatrics Preparticipation Physical Evaluation History form? It is over 50 questions and is very important!
American Academy of Pediatrics Preparticipation Physical Evaluation (2010)
PreParticipation Exam Form - UIL - Texas (fillable pdf based on the form above)
Complete page 1​ of this form and show it to your child's doctor. Carefully read the questions and discuss all "yes" answers with your child's doctor.
Take a picture of both pages of this form and enter it into the sports physical screen on the app.​
Fillable AAP Preparticipation Physical Evaluation History Form
Pediatric Heat Stroke Assessment form, p. 988 Table 2
Pre-Participation Information
International recommendations for electrocardiographic interpretation in athletes (2018)
Interassociation Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Care of College Student-Athletes​
Preparticipation Physical Examinations and Disqualifying Conditions
Interassociation Consensus Statement on Cardiovascular Care of College Student-Athletes
Preparticipation Cardiac Screening in Young Athletes: In Search of the Golden Chalice
Comparison of the Adolescent Well Care Visit and Pre-participation Physical Evaluation
State-Specific Differences in School Sports Preparticipation Physical Evaluation Policies
Report a Catastrophic Sports Injury
Cardiac Sudden Death
Comprehensive Assessment of Coronary Artery Disease in Sports-Related Sudden Cardiac Arrest​
Management of Young Competitive Athletes With Cardiovascular Conditions
Pre-participation cardiovascular evaluation for athletic participants to prevent sudden death
Concussion (Brain Injury) Resources
Concussion Symptom Checklist - Complete this at the beginning of each season. This can be used as an excellent baseline, especially if your league/club/school does not require additional baseline testing.
BESS (Balance Error Scoring System), p. 8 - This can also be used as part of a baseline assessment. As the title implies, it is a balance test and can be administered at home. Ref, Ref
Two Bucks County boys suffered concussions. One kept playing football. One didn't.
Life After 13 Concussions
The Darkness
NFL Concussion Checklist
CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy)
Emergency Action Planning
First Aid Kit
Heat Injury Education
National Athletic Trainers' Association Position Statement: Exertional Heat Illnesses
Consensus Statement- Prehospital Care of Exertional Heat Stroke
Consensus Recommendations on Training and Competing in the Heat
Sudden Cardiac Death Education
Hands Only CPR Education
Asthma Action Plan
How do I use an Epinephrine Auto Injector like EpiPen®?
Broken Bone
Dental Injuries
Female Athlete
Sickle Cell Trait
Skin Infections
Spine Injuries
Hazardous Weather
Nutrition for Kids
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)
Sports Medicine Organizations