MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: Click on appropriate SCAT5: Child Adult
PARENTS: Click on the appropriate Symptom Evaluation Form based on the age of your child:
CHILD (ages 5 - 12) ADULT (> age 13)
This evaluation (checklist of signs and symptoms) is meant to be a guide to the aid in the care of a concussion. Please complete the evaluation prior to the beginning (as a "baseline") of the sports season. The evaluation will have great value in the event of a possible concussion.
Excel Spreadsheet (fillable) which includes both Symptom Evaluation forms - Child and Adult.
Any athlete with suspected concussion should be REMOVED FROM PLAY, medically assessed and monitored for deterioration. No athlete suspected of having a concussion should be returned to play on the day of injury.
Call 9-1-1 Symptoms - Click Here
Home Care After Concussion (4)
All medications should be reviewed by your physician.
Avoid ingesting alcohol, illicit drugs, or other substances that might interfere with cognitive function and neurologic recovery.
Rest is currently the best practice for concussion recovery. As such, there is typically no need to wake the patient during the night unless instructed by a physician.
During the acute stage of injury, the patient should be instructed to avoid any physical or mental exertion that exacerbates symptoms.
In addition to exclusion from physical activity related to team activities, concussed student-athletes should be excused from any activity requiring physical exertion (eg, physical education classes).
School administrators, counselors, and instructors should be made aware of the patient’s injury with a recommendation for academic accommodation during the recovery period.
A patient with a concussion should be instructed to eat a well-balanced diet that is nutritious in quality and quantity and should drink fluids to stay hydrated.
Return to Play After Concussion - Click here for more information
1 Sports Concussion Assessment Tool - SCAT5 Adult
2 Sports Concussion Assessment Tool - SCAT5 Child
4 Adapted from the National Athletic Trainers’ Association Position Statement: Management of Sport Concussion
5 5th international conference on concussion in sport held in Berlin, October 2016