Your Athlete Was Removed
For a Possible Concussion
Now What?
1. Pay careful attention to his/her symptoms for the first 24 – 72 hours.​​​
2. Emergency Signs and Symptoms (When to seek immediate medical care):
One pupil larger than the other
Drowsiness or inability to wake up
A headache that gets worse and does not go away
Slurred speech
Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination in arms and legs.
Neck pain or tenderness
Repeated vomiting or nausea
Convulsions or seizures (shaking or twitching).
Change in behavior
Increased confusion, restlessness, agitation, irritability, or combativeness
Unable to recognize people or places
Less responsiveness than usual
Will not stop crying and cannot be consoled
Loss of consciousness (passed out/knocked out). Even a brief loss is an emergency.
Have a question or concern? Call the National Brain Injury Information hotline at 800-444-6443 and tell them you were referred by TeamSafe​®Sports. It is a FREE call!
3. Concussion Symptom Evaluation
Complete the Concussion Symptom Evaluation the same day as the injury and daily after that.
Take this form to your doctor. Enter an image of the completed form into TeamSafe​®Sports (Athlete profile → Return to Play).
Suggest this examination form for your doctor to use in the examination of your athlete.
5. Return to Play / Return to Learn
When can my child return to play? Click here.
CHILD SCAT5 from 5th international conference on concussion in sport held in Berlin, October 2016
Childrens National Medical Center Post-Concussion Instructions