Living With Achalasia: The Book
An Integrated and Functional Health Approach to a disease that is hard to swallow

“Another area of important research is to obtain more insight into the causes of achalasia. Our current treatment approaches reduce the discomfort of patients, but they do not actually solve the problem [emphasis added]; instead of cleaving or disrupting the muscle, we should aim for restoring its function. We need more insight into how the neurons lost in achalasia can be replaced.”
Guy Boeckxstaens, MD, PhD
Achalasia is truly a disease that is hard to swallow. The biggest problem with an achalasia diagnosis is that once the “disease” is diagnosed, the “disease process” is already well on its way. What if there was a way to attack this disease at a much earlier point in its progression?
Do you know what tests to have to make a diagnosis of Achalasia? Unfortunately, many doctors do not.
Do you know how to interpret the results of these tests?
Do you know which type of Achalasia you have and what the ramifications of each are for treatment?
Do you know when the right time is for treatment?
If you have already been "diagnosed," what if there was a way to slow the disease progression and maybe even reverse it?
How do you know if you need a procedure?
How do you choose between a dilation and a myotomy?
Which myotomy is better, Heller or POEM? Learn what the research shows.
If you are going to have a procedure, do you know how to prepare your body?
Do you know what strategies you can use to recover quickly?
Do you know how to take care of yourself on an every day basis after the procedure?
Do you need an esophagectomy? And which type?
Learn the answers to these critical questions BEFORE you make any decisions. Make an educated decision on what will be best for you. Achalasia education and consulting.
And start living healthy TODAY