Option 1, 2, or 3
How's this one, from WebMD:
"From the homely aspirin to the most sophisticated prescription medicine on the market, all drugs come with side effects. Many are minor, some are just an inconvenience, a few are serious, and some are just plain strange."
Keep reading and decide which option you want: Option 1: Don't change and suffer the consequences. Option 2: Take drugs and get rid of your symptoms Option 3: Most people don't know about option 3 and your doctor, unless he/she is a functional medicine doctor, probably doesn't know about option 3.
You need to understand that there is an Option 3 and understand the consequences of options 1 and 2.
Oh, read this too: Temporal trends in rates of patient harm resulting from medical care.
Stop the bleeding. Repair the damage. Get healthy, stay healthy by making YOUR HEALTH plan!